What's the mutation to add an externally-hosted file to a column?

I’ve been looking at the Files column type, and see that for external files hosted in say Google Drive, Box, Dropbox or Sharepoint, the files are described by a stringified version of the structure below:

	"files": [
			"name": "Book.xlsx",
			"fileId": "c42b3230-42b3-42b3-42b3-9d6f7b2a081b",
			"fileType": "ONE_DRIVE",
			"createdAt": 1234,
			"createdBy": "456",
			"linkToFile": "https://someinstance-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/username_someinstance_onmicrosoft_com/PlkJXFVMWpEV2cVApxt_H_EB6GH1viK96wa1-rEqGKjmpw"

:point_right: What mutation would be required to add a file from an external provider such as Google Drive, Box, Dropbox or Sharepoint to a column?

This is not the normal “upload a file” mutation as described here by:

mutation {
  add_file_to_column (
    item_id: 1234567890, 
    column_id: "files", 
    file: YOUR_FILE
  ) {


curl --location 'https://api.monday.com/v2/file' \                          
     --header 'API-Version: 2024-01' \
     --header 'Authorization: thisisasecret' \
     --form 'query="mutation($item_id: ID!, $column_id: String!, $file: File!) { add_file_to_column(item_id: $item_id, column_id: $column_id, file: $file) { id } }"' \
     --form 'variables="{\"item_id\": 123456, \"column_id\": \"files\"}"' \
     --form 'map="{\"file\":\"variables.file\"}"' \
     --form 'file=@/Users/me/Pictures/MyCat.png'

It looks to be different, but is not documented anywhere I can see.


Aside: I’m seeing a 404 on the documentation examples here:


It points to this:


…rather than this:


Oh, could it be as described in clearing-the-files-column, but by updating the JSON contained rather than clearing everything?

Update: No, that doesn’t seem to work :frowning:

Hello there @dvdsmpsn,

As of today, that can not be achieved (passing an external file from a different platform such as Google Drive or Box, to a files column via API).

Let me know if you have any other questions!


@Matias.Monday Please confirm – this is a private API available only to monday.com?

What workaround would you use instead?

  • Add a Link/URL column and populate that with an individual link to said external file (on Google Drive, Box etc)?

Hello again @dvdsmpsn!

The workaround for this would be as you said to add a URL to a link column.

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