When duplicating a board without updates, the files attached to the updates are still copied. When you choose to duplicate a board in monday.com and select the option to exclude updates from the duplication process, the updates themselves (i.e., the written text, comments, or conversations in the Updates section) are not copied to the new board. However, any files that were attached within those updates are still carried over to the duplicated board.
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Hello @talm When you choose to duplicate a board in monday.com and exclude updates, the updates (text, comments, or conversations) are not copied, but files attached to those updates are still carried over to the duplicated board. This is because file attachments are treated as part of the board’s assets, independent of the update text. If you need to prevent file attachments from being copied, you’ll need to manually remove them before duplication.
Hopefully, this helps, let me know if it was helpful by giving it a like .
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Thank you very much for the explanation! Now it’s clear. I wish there was a way to adjust an option like “no media/attachements” when duplicating a board.