A whole new board experience on your mobile apps!

Mobile users, are you ready for a whole new board experience?!

We’ve completely written the board view from scratch so you’ll get the real monday.com experience also on your mobile apps.

These are the highlights:

  • View all your groups in one view
  • Collapse the groups you less care about for better focus (iOS)
  • Improved zoom in/out experience (Android)
  • Board menu with the ability to rename, view subscribers and activity log
  • Preloading of your recently used boards for boom performance (iOS)
  • Improved reorder experience with the ability to move pulses between groups (iOS)
  • The board rendering on Android is 100% faster and lighter!
  • Improved column menu with better collapse/sort performance
  • A lot of performance improvements that will make the whole experience blazing fast and slick

All of the platform-specific gaps will get closed really soon, we love you all the same ! :slight_smile:

*** How to get it ***

iOS - Join our closed beta group - follow the instructions on this link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/C9mEeB3t

  • Write your account name here so we’ll enable it for you

Android - Opt-in to our open beta group - https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.monday.monday


Ahhh! This is very exciting! Excited to give the mobile app another shot with these new improvements implemented - thank you!

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Downloaded, thanks for sharing!!

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Love these updates! Very useful.


Any plans on the roadmap for emoji support in the mobile app? or GIFs? (Android Beta User)

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Hi @Krishele we do want to support this but neither are on the immediate roadmap at this time. Thanks for this feedback!!

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Would love the ability to clear notifications within the mobile app! :slight_smile:

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The beta is great! I love the board experience. Optimal use of a smaller screen, while retaining the airy, uncluttered feel of the desktop version. Good job! :ok_hand:

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Hi there, new to beta.
Could you send me an invitation to test?

Hi Please add me bboffroad :smiley:

@Julia-monday.com hello, i have posted in community and send PM to the monday.com team requesting many things, we need a lot of improvements in mobile apps, question is what are you working on this, how long will take this to see in our mobile apps.

There is a specific roadmap for this?

Hi There! Thanks for reaching out - We are excited to hear that you have lots of feedback on the mobile app and overall mobile experience.

Is it possible to tell us a bit more? We are keen to understand what may be most helpful for our users. We are excited to work on many improvements to the mobile app and hope that these align with your requests. Let us know and we’ll take it from there!

ok @Lucy-monday.com i will post here a full compilation of my request, so the other users can do the same. Question is: how we can be reported of any news ??? I think is better a roadmap view on what are you working on mobile apps…

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