Add designed emails support

Today I can automatically send emails when a certain event is happening, I would like to add custom design to my automatic emails

For example, add HTML support, maybe add emails template market place etc.


For reference, there are some similar features requests out there:

  1. HTML With Email (Discussion includes a potential workaround)
  2. Format automation notification emails
  3. HTML Email - Please for the love
  4. Notifications html support (Email)
  5. Creating Custom email template to send when status Changes

There is some indication that Monday is aware of the feature request, but no idea if it is planned.

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This would be so useful! You know what would also be good - to send to more than one person at a time so they’re all involved in the chain!

Hello @Abarad
Check out this app EasyMails where you can simply design email templates by drag and drop editor.