Add item to Dropdown column through API


I’m creating new item through API
and Im trying to add data to the dropdown column of label that not exist

Im making this call on the Monday playground and the api call returns “200” but it’s not update only the dropdown column

what am I doing wrong ?

mutation {
create_item (board_id: 4948663627, group_id: “topics”, item_name: “new item”, column_values: “{"name":{"name":"mondayTaskFeatureRequest.product"},"date4":{"date":"1993-08-27"},"text":"mondayTaskFeatureRequest.featureDescription","text5":"mondayTaskFeatureRequest.featureImpact","text2":"mondayTaskFeatureRequest.userId","dropdown4":"mondayTaskFeatureRequest.featureImpact", "dropdown4":{"text":"textt", "create_labels_if_missing": "true"}}”) {

Hello @Michalabr and welcome to the community!

I hope you like it here :muscle:

You can use the query in this way:

mutation {
create_item (board_id: 1234567890, create_labels_if_missing: true, group_id: "topics", item_name: "new item", column_values: "{\"name\":\"Some name\",\"text\":\"Some text\",\"text_1\":\"Some text\",\"dropdown\":\"My label\"}") {

I hope that helps!


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