Allow for any view to show ALL (and ONLY) incomplete tasks

Filtering doesn’t seem to be able to currently show a rollup of ONLY incomplete tasks.

  • If I try to filter by “Status” “is not” “All Done,” filters will show incomplete main tasks, but in Gantt and other views, “Done” subtasks are visible.

  • Alternatively, if I try to filter by “Subitem Status” “Is Not” “All Done,” then I ONLY see tasks that have subitems.

Ideally, I’d like to be able to see all tasks, whether a main task or a subitem task, that are incomplete; without showing me completed subtasks or failing to show incomplete tasks that do not have subtasks :confused:

Hi @ITBill!

From my undestanding this is expected behaviour as in order to filter by both subitem status and parent item status you would need to ensure that you are including both in the filtering settings - as shown in the screenshot below:

Does this make sense? Please let me know if I have misunderstood! You’re welcome to send over some additional screenshots if this helps demonstrate the issue you’re experiencing :pray:

Since this query checks the sub-item status, it will not show ANY items that do not contain sub-items, and so is incomplete.

Thank you

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Hi, have you found a selution?

I’m having the exact same problem.

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Same here, I thought I could use the OR statement, where the Items is not Done OR the Subitem is not Done, but this doesn’t work either.
It makes using subitems a bit of a problem

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Hi @BiancaT this is really frustrating for me, I need to be able to only see incomplete tasks, whether tasks or sub-tasks. The Search seems to find these items, but the filter does not, using your suggestion of an ‘AND’ statement removes things that are not Done (don’t know why) and the ‘OR’ statement does not address sub-tasks.
This doesn’t seem like a complicated request, can you help please?
Thanks, Martin

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@ITBill did you find a workaround for this?

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We also need this in our work - please fix this so we can filter out done subitems without impacting the visibility of items that have incomplete subitems, or no subitems.

@BiancaT , I think the core of the problem is that items with 0 subitems automatically fail any filter applied to a subitem column. Consider the example below:

I am trying to filter by Status of item and subitem, so that my board removes any item or subitem with Status = Done. The simplified board below includes all possible combinations of items with/without subitems, with status of Done or not.

Case 1:

  • it correctly filters out subitems where subitem status = Done, as shown by (1/2).
  • BUT, the subitem filter removes items with 0 subitems.

Case 2: AND will always remove items without subitems, because they fail the subitem filter. In this case, I want to also filter by item status. I want any item with a status of Not Done and 0 subitems to remain.

  • it filters out items without subitems (bad)
  • it filters out subitems where substatus = Done (good)
  • it filters out items where status = Done (good)

Case 3: If I try to use an OR to add the 0-subitem items back in, the item filter overrides the subitem filter.

  • It filters out zero-subitem items where status = done (good)
  • it filters out subitems where substatus = done, IF status = done (good)
  • it KEEPS subitems where substatus = done IF status = not done (bad)

I don’t understand why the subitem filter assumes all 0-subitem items “fail”. To me, if it instead assumes all 0-subitem items “pass”, we could use OR filters to correctly target those items without subitems to filter them out as needed. If the goal is to enable users to filter out items without subitems, a workaround is to filter by an item-level column marking whether subitems exists. As it stands, there is no workaround for the basic subitem filtering case I explain here. Also, I think filtering out 0-subitem items is far less common use case than the basic filtering I am describing. I propose auto-pass, not auto-fail.

Alternatively, can the “is empty” or “is not empty” operators be used to address whether a subitem exists?

Where does this issue stand? Thanks!

Well. After reading your post I finally understood how this filtering works. I have the same problem as you do. But after understanding how it works, I managed to devise a filtering logic that seems to be working.
Below I share a screenshot of my filters that seems to achieve the result you and I wanted. Please note, that in my filter I have a few extra conditions. My goal is:

  1. See all main projects (without subprojects) that are not done OR done today
  2. See all main projects (with subprojects) that are not done OR done today
  3. From main projects that are NOT Done, or Done today, see subprojects that are NOT Done, or Done today.
  4. Hide everything else, main or sub projects, that are Done later than yesterday or have Obsolete status.

PS: Maybe this is not exactly what you wanted, but I hope it can help a little.