I hesitate to bring in clients to our shared boards because I’ve not had a smooth experience training them on how to use the board, what they need to do, etc. Even though I’ve provided a roadmap and a video walkthrough for them there is still confusion over how they should use the board and platform. Has anyone developed a board or workflow for client collab. that’s simple but works really well that you’d be willing to share?
Our business is graphic design and marketing so we need a way to share layouts with our clients (usually multiple on a team), collect concise feedback, repeat this process until approval, and then keep the client updated in general on how the project is progressing. I’d also like to keep all scoping documents separate but in an obvious place where everyone can reference them (project brief, schedule, upload photos and art we need for the project, etc.).
We often have a main project with several tactics or deliverables under it so that often requires the client to provide items for each piece of the project. I think when clients login and see the board with tons of tasks, they don’t immediately know which step we’re in or what they need to do to help. Have others trained clients to use search to see what’s needed or how have you handled this? I’ll attach a board template I’ve started…THANKS ALL!!