We have a small board and ONLY users within our organization email our Monday boards and originating email account match the users email addresses on the Monday Board.
Is there anyway through automation or formula that when a new request comes in via email that the “Requestor” field is automatically populated with the matching email address?
SO if john@email.com email our Monday board and John has a Monday Account using John@email.com can the requestor automatically be populated?
I am afraid this isn’t currently possible through the email to board function. That said, are you able to elaborate a little further on your workflow - specifically, why you require monday.com team members email addresses to be logged in the column? There might be another way around achieving your end goal here
Not concerned about the email address column being populated but can Monday.com use the senders email address to match it to a Monday.com Account to populate the “Requestor” column.
Is the requestor showing up in a Creation Log column on the board (you may need to create it). I think this requires the email to have come from a monday.com user’s email to happen. But I am not positive.