Assign user that changes the status

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well.

I started using Monday and so far I like what I see. One thing I’ve looking which in my opinion should be part of Monday, is the ability to assign the user to the people tab that changes the status.

So for example: I have 3 status: New / Working on it / Completed

The system automatically assigns the New status, but I would like an automations that whoever changes the status to Working on it, adds them to the people column, as well as since he’s the one working on the request, once he changes it again to Completed, it maintains his name in the people tab.

This would allow me to see who worked on that request. Thank you.


Column Magic in the apps marketplace has a recipe that will do that for you.

Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday

This is perfect, but does it work with subitems?

Hi Danielle,

It can be easily done with the Advanced Formula Booster app.

With 1 very simple formula that targets the ‘Owner’ (The Advanced Formula Booster allows you to create formulas that cast the result to any type of column).


And 1 automation

And here is the result:


Thank you so much for this. Certainly seems like an app we can use.