Automate the process of deactivating users

Hi Guys,
As part of our routine administrative processes, we deactivate users (viewers/members) manually when we get notifications of employees that are leaving the company.
The notifications come from ServiceNow, and the user deactivation is done in the Admin section > Users > pressing on 3 dots of specific user > deactivate user.
Then a new window pops up in which we choose an owner for all the automations and integrations of the user - We select the user’s manager (also comes from ServiceNow) and press “Deactivate” button.
In order to automate this process, we need the option to use the field’s API to set values to these fields and not only get them.
I understand from Nataly and Roy that this option is not currently available.

Therefore we would like to request it as it is crucial to our needs, as part of our daily improvement and decreasing manual job and possible mistakes.