Automation Request: When a new group is created, create an item in a board

It would be great to have an automation that when a new group is created in a board, an item is created in a different board that automatically connects all data in that group. This would help with the limitations on dashboards pulling only a set number of boards, as it would automate the process of creating a Master board of information.

Hi @spelkey :wave:
You can absolutely do this in You can try the recipe below.

I hope this helps!

Amber | upstream :telephone_receiver: +61 8 7170 5246

Hi @amber-upstream This is for an item, versus I want just if a new GROUP is created. If I have it so every single time an item is created it will be chaos!

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This would also be extremely beneficial to notify people. When a new group is created notify somebody… would love to see it.

Use Case-
I do an import from excel to update personnel data and every time (even if we are just updating information) a new group is made- sometimes with nothing it. would love it if when that happened my HR team got a notification that the information was up to date… If anybody knows how to do this currently I would also take some advice.

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I also agree this would be beneficial automation. Basically similar to a “when status changes” but make it “when a group is created” then “xyz”

My use case would be-

When group is created move items from group A to the newly created group.

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