I have set up our tasks so the subitems are in order of completion.
Eg. When the 1st subitem is completed, the 2nd subitem work needs to be started, then when the 2nd subitem is completed, the 3rd will need to be started and so on. I would like a feature where the person assigned to the following subitem is notified when the previous subitem status is changed to ‘done’.
sub item task
Draft email text - assigned to John
Design email - assigned to Claire
Sign off compliance of email - Assigned to Jeff
Send email - Assigned to Claire
When ‘Draft email text’ is changed to ‘done’, notify ‘owner’ of ‘design email’ etc.
However I would assume it would be like
When ‘Subitem 1’ status is changed to ‘done’, notify ‘Subitem 2’ ‘Owner’