I am trying to create an automation, that attches files from a status item when dependencies are set.
When the status of Vetting changes from Waiting on Docs to In process and only if POA is received and POI is Receievd then send a gmail to Joebloggs@abc.ie and attached files which are associated with POA & POI.
I have managed to create succefully the first part of this automation but cant get it to include the files. Is this possible?
You will have to use the Files Column to attach files in any automation recipe like this! Then, just add the file to each item’s Files Column cell that may be triggered by the automation recipe.
Does this help clarify? It would help us to suggest better solutions for your workflow if you could provide some more context behind the process you’re trying to set up so let us know if this doesn’t quite meet your needs!
I am attempting the same process; all works well, except that my files do not send as attachments; they send as links, which non-Monday users are unable to open.
Is there any way to physically attach the files, rather than linking?
Apolgies for the delay in coming back to you. Firstly Hapy New Year.
If I change the columns to “File Columns” e.g. File Column 1, File Column 2, File column 3 can it automatically send an email to a certain email address and attch all documents which are stored in File Column 1, Firle Column 2 and File Column 3?