Automations based on mirrored columns

I am trying to connect two boards together, through mirrored columns. So, when someone fills out a form, we have key information about them, like their manager, territory, etc. I am trying to notify their manager based on the mirrored column, but it does not appear as an option for a person column. Is there a way to automate this, so that I do not have to assign the person column every time?

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Hi @DariusDevitt

In you have the option for item defaults which is shown in the below image.

This will eliminate in having to assign the person column every time.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Cleopatra Luneburg

Hi Cleopatra,

Unfortunately, this isnt what I am looking for. Since we have multiple groups, we will need to have multiple managers assigned depending on who the person that submitted the ticket is. So, it cannot just be one default person. It needs to be based off of another board that we have.

Hi @DariusDevitt :wave:

Currently the following automation recipes support mirror columns as triggers:

Automation recipes (static) that support mirrored status columns

  • #131 - When status changes from something to something else, notify someone
  • #191 - When status changes to something, stop time tracking
  • #192 - When status changes to something start time tracking
  • #281 - When status changes to something, set due date to current date plus some days
  • #282 - When status changes to something, set due date to current date
  • #285 - When status changes to something, start time tracking. When it changes to something stop
  • #183 - When status changes to something, create an item in board
  • #280 - When status changes to something, change another status to something (Note: mirrored status supported as trigger. Supports mirror columns of subitems)

Could you perhaps use a status column to represent each manager instead of the Person column?
This would allow you to automate from your mirror column!

I hope this helps! Remember to mark as solved if this answers your question :smile:




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