New Feature Request - Automation on a mirrored People Column

I would like to request a new feature for something that seems like a bug or missed requirement. I would like to be able to create a new automation to a person in a mirror people column. By doing this it would allow us to better monitor and use our current users over multiple boards by mirroring and connecting the people from a central board out to multiple areas instead of having to maintain that piece in multiple boards.

Hi @HarveyHeise

I know one of our partners has an app that syncs mirror column (including people) to real columns. Probably @Kimb can help you with more info.

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Hey @HarveyHeise feel free to email me at we have a great app that can help with this as described by @basdebruin

Hi @kimb I’m new to this forum so apologies if I’m not asking correctly

I’m trying to assign a people column based on the same person in a mirrored people column and hitting major dead ends. It looks like you have a solution?

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Hi @kathonmonday thank you for the note. It sounds like our app can definitely solve your problem. Please email me at and I’ll send through more details : )