Item Viewing Permissions Using Mirrored People Column

I really like the new Item Viewing Permissions feature; what would help take it to the next level for us is the ability to use Mirrored People columns to “assign” an item for someone to view in a board.

Our use case is that we have a high-level client project board with several People Columns based on team member’s roles for the project (e.g. Project Lead, Project Coordinator, Account Manager). We then have a few low-level financial boards connected to the Projects overview board.

It would be super helpful if we could mirror the Project Lead and Account Manager columns to the finance board to allow them to only see the financial information for their projects instead of having to manually reassign them to the item in the financial board.

hi @greg-hrc

One of our partners offer an app that convert mirror columns to real columns. This would probably solve your use case. The partner can be contacted through @Kimb


Thanks @basdebruin. Hi @greg-hrc - please see a video of the apps functionality here

If you think it’ll work for you, you can email me at :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the replies @basdebruin @Kimb . I added this to the feature request portion of the community forum, since it would be great to have this be a native function vs having to create a workaround with additional columns and third-party integrations.


I have this exact same use case right now! High level board with people columns, but would prefer the mirror columns in the low level boards to be useable as ‘permission-enabling’ columns. Instead, we must have multiple people columns on the low level boards and manually assign on both boards.

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Hi @dorth, while likely not the answer you are looking for. We utilize scenarios to handle this kind of situation. Basically, when a Connect Board column changes we trigger webhook to grab the mirrored People value and copy to a local column.

There are a number of 3rd party apps that can do this for you as well in the marketplace.


Is this a function that has in the pipeline?
It is a function that would be very helpful for our boards and sharing capabilities.
While we utilize VLOOKUP, mirroring large datasets is more reliable and efficient for our team.