Accessing mirrored columns

Hi there!

I need help on a topic… I have two boards, with certain columns from the first being mirrored into the second.

I don’t want anyone to have access to the first board, however id like to share the second board where the mirrored info feeds into.

However, when I share the board #2, others do not see the mirrored columns from the first board…they only see the columns that are proprietary to that second board.

How can I make this work? I would think giving them access to board #1 would fix this, but it kind of defeats the purpose… So I tried that, and now they can see the columns in the second board, but theyre empty…they see just titles.

Ideally, I would like to mirror columns from board #1 to board #2 without giving them access to board #1


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Hey @Armenito :wave:

You are correct – In order to view The Connect Boards Column and information within The Mirror Column, you need to have permission to see all of the boards they are connected to.

This means that if you do not want them to have permission to view Board 1, then they will not be able to mirror information from Board 1 into Board 2.

However, a potential solution in that case would be to reverse which board these columns “live” in! Basically, have the columns that you want the people to be able to see built directly into Board 2 and then mirror these columns into Board 1 instead.

If you’d like, you can always share your feedback about this mirroring capability to the Feedback Section of the Community so our Product Team can take it into consideration as they make future changes to the platform!

If you would like to submit your own feature requests or feedback, you can always add a post or vote and comment on one that already exists here: Feature Feedback and Requests

I hope this helps! Remember to mark as solved if this answers your question :slight_smile:



Hi @Armenito

It look like this post here Accessing mirrored columns - #2 by jennap might have answered your question, is that correct?

If so, please don’t forget to mark it as the solution so other users can easily find it, and to close this thread :slightly_smiling_face:
If not, feel free to ask any additional questions you have!


Hi @Armenito

I hope the answers in this thread are useful!
As we haven’t had any updates here, I’m going to go ahead and mark this thread as solved.
This means that the thread will close in 7 days time :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have any additional questions or you feel your original query wasn’t resolved, please feel free to let us know and we’ll be happy to continue to assist!



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