Batch update confirmation request

Hi, I know there’s been a fair number of requests for a more robust undo feature from folks like me who have inadvertently selected dozens or hundreds of records, often losing data in the process. Just yesterday, I accidentally wiped out the correct details from hundreds of items. Fortunately I have a backup, but I’d live in daily fear that one of my team members is going to completely wipe out one of our core boards through an inadvertent batch update.

I know devs have responded that an undo feature would be complicated and cause issues.

Could we get at least a batch confirmation step that would require interaction before changing multiple records? It could be something that users could toggle on and off or customize (eg ask for more than 5 records or 100 records, etc). Just a confirmation that says “hey, you’ve selected 300 items, did you mean to do that” and requires a yes click to proceed would save a lot of headaches.

I can’t imagine that such an addition would be that difficult to implement.

Thanks for your consideration.