Best App for Required Columns on boards?

I tried looking around but couldn’t find anything very hard set where it prevents user from updating items if certain fields are not updated. Especially if you are using the widget view.

For now I have used conditional coloring as well as the “New Deal via form”. But both have their drawbacks. Color coding still requires having to scroll all the way to the right every time to go check each and it doesn’t prevent the user from continuing to edit the item without updating some important fields that needs to be filled in. The “New Deal via form” is more ideal but some fields that do need to be filled in, like “connection board” columns are not supported. So if I want to require a deal that is being made and want the to add contact and account, there is nothing they can select. As well as some columns are are not fully functional like “link” columns where you just put the URL but don’t have the optional text overlay like you do in the mainboard where you can use it for things like “domains” that are extremely helpful. Also, after you finish with the form, that’s it and there is still no preventative measure to prevent a user from progressing to the other stages of the status.

So I am curious if there is an app that does the trick very well and communicates that to the user. Other apps I saw looked like they require you to fill out multiple boards and you have to just hit all your required columns before the deal can progress to the next board, which I guess works for those pipelines but in this case, I would like to keep everything on one board if possible and prevent moving forward to different stages if certain fields are not met.

Any good recommendations for this?