Broadcast link for dashboards

I know this has been requested many times but there isn’t any recent information on this. I wanted to request again to reiterate how important this feature request it. It is not in my company’s best interest to share all the boards that are linked to a dashboard. It would be best practice to be able to give the client a link to a dashboard that they can see what has been updated and what is being worked on without having access to any of our boards. It would be extra beneficial if they did not need to create a Monday guest login to view the board. Simply if they have the link they can view. This would allow clients to track the progress of projects without seeing internal information.

Would appreciate an update on this. Being able to create a broadcast link for individual board dashboards and not for overview dashboards makes no sense to me.

There are a number of stakeholders that we work with who would appreciate the ability to view a dashboard that provides an overview of projects across the department, without the need to create a dedicated account for it.

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