I am trying to create a chart where I am able to get time (months) in the X-Axis, functionality that Monday.com does not support right now. Therefore, I want to use a formula to show the month of the end date:
However, this show me the month number and not the month in text. How could I have it with month names (using IF it will be possible, but Idk if there is an easier function) and then be able to show them in order sequentially in the chart?
In addition, I have another question related with this. How could I differentiate between years too? So I don’t have lines from March 2022 and March 2023 together.
Hi @SimonAcu if an add-on is an option, I suggest taking a look at our Analytics & Reports add-on which can provide such charts out-of-the-box. You can learn more about creating charts from this guide, or you can sign up for a free trial to give it a try with your own data
I think this add-on it’s the only available option at the moment and it looks like an useful tool. Do you know if it’s possible to create S-Curves like the ones generated with the Earned Value Methodology (EVM) with Planned Work (PV) and Actual Work (EV)?
Hi @SimonAcu you can do comparisons between two or more number fields either using a multibar chart, or a line chart. A bar chart can be grouped by week/month/quarter so you can compare trends over time. You can learn more about comparing multiple custom fields in a single chart from this guide: Using custom fields in custom charts — Screenful
For example, if you have entered work estimates in one column, and the work done (actual work) in another column, you can use these charts to compare those two variables over a period of time.
I’d be happy to explore this further and help you to figure whether we can produce the kind of reports you are looking for. You can get in touch by sending DM to me or email at support@screenful.com
We have a free trial so you can just sign up at Screenful and give it a try without any commitment.