Collapse Conversations

When looking at the communication within a pulse in the conversation, there are many that we have going on. It would be very helpful to be able collapse them, possibly to even create titles for them so users can put their notes in various threads within the conversation and then for a conversation that has been dealt with to be archived when no longer needed, but so we can pull it up if need be (or greyed out…or some option so we know it’s good) instead of deleted.
Thank you

Totally agree. I have a parent message with 15+ child messages and I have to scroll through the 15+ child messages to get to the next parent message. The ability to collapse and expand the child messages features are needed. It would be even better to only show 5 latest child messages and have the option to expand older ones.

Additional to above, adding collapse/hide parent messages that exceed 10 would be helpful. This would solve the issue that tsterling mentioned about hidding the old messages. Please take this great UX from JIRA, combine it with awesome UI by

Slack got the it with their thread replies. It is only showing the latest 2 posts and collapses rest of the older replies.