The update panels for our pulses get crowded quickly. So we’d like to be able to hide or collapse an individual update and its associated replies, or move them to the bottom of the panel, when that particular conversation is marked as “closed” (but without deleting anything, b/c we need to keep the history). This would make scanning the panel for open items faster, reducing the risk of letting items fall through the cracks. Right now we have to pin all new updates to the top, and unpin each when closed, which is not easy for all staff to remember consistently.
This is an underrated enhancement. This is infinitely more useful than sub items (although I’m sure some people like them - not me). We should have a way to resolve and collapse/minimize updates that have already been addressed/resolved. Many items require different/multiple updates. Like JM noted, crowding happens quickly and that increases the possibility that a reply will be ignored/overlooked. Please develop. This would be a life saver!