Make chat conversation format more condensed like Slack's

I thought it would make the chat space a lot better if all the information like the name ,time and people viewed was condensed in one line instead of taking up like 3 all the time. We collaborate a lot in chats on slack and would like to move this over to Monday. Monday’s chat is super bulky compared to it. Not sure if there is already such a funtion?

Monday chat
Slack chat line

Hey @Dian94,

I like your request!

Can you let us know if our upcoming board discussions feature is along the lines of what you’re looking for? :pray:

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Hi @BiancaT , thanks for your response but I’m not entirely sure that solves the above issue that I raised. That would still be cool feature though and I would have to see how it fits in our way of working (:

So just to specify more on the initial post, the problem is not that we can’t chat in one space, the problem is that conversational messages in chat in general take physically too much screen real estate via line spacing and having information not just in one line. In the examples I provided of Slack you can see that they have the message post time, person name and the message in one text line. Monday is using 3 lines to achieve the same thing, wasting space ( whether browser is zoomed in or not)

I think you can save a lot of screen real estate and read through conversations a lot faster without scrolling much if everything was more compressed similar to Slack’s messaging format. Even if it was just a setting that would be ideal.

Again just to prove a point , it takes about half of my vertical screen just for 1 reply on message. Attached is a images of this with a 13inch macbook at 67% browser zoom. Even at 50 % it still takes half a screen but the text is tiny then. In comparison to slack’s in line format , slack would only need about 10%.

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Thanks so much for clarifying Dian - transparently, I somehow completely missed the screenshots - my apologies :pray:

I see exactly what you mean here and definitely recognise that there is room for improvement regarding our chat spacing and line formatting, particularly in comparison to a platform such as Slack. This is a great point and I hope we can in get some more eyes on this request, to get it on our developers radar!


Hey :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:

Totally understand with the viewport and vertical spacing.

I’ve recently launched SecureChat Pro on the app store, and it is streamlined to look more like your favorite messaging apps, plus a bunch of other features as well to help your team

Some features that sound like they could help you are:

  • :lock: Team Chat & Private Chat: Live chat features for Boards and Items, include the entire team or select specific people to include in a private chat
  • :outbox_tray: Document Sharing: Share those important documents across your team (PDFs, images, videos, audio files, and GIFs)
  • :green_circle: Instant Updates: Chat in real time, see who is online and who is currently typing
  • :bell: Notifications: Never miss an update, simply mention @name and get their attention
  • :partying_face: Emojis: Express yourself with rich Emoji reactions and Emojis natively inside your chats
  • :thread: Replies and Threads: Organize your communication with replying to specific messages
  • :rocket: AI Integration: Our new AI technology helps you find action items, decisions, and boost productivity across your team
  • More features are about to be rolled out this week too!

It’s available in the app marketplace with a 14 day free trial :smile:

I’m really big on giving too- so we fit this to be an affordable price. If you do want a further discount, let’s find a time to connect and I’d be happy to chat about that as well.

Feel free to email me at