Combine Plans

Dear all,

We have around 30 users on the company using monday. We have Basic or standard plan (Im not sure as Im not the admin).

We have started to upload important files and information to monday for follow up, I think is important to restrict the permissions to the boards in order to mantain privacy.

Exists the option to have some users on basic or standard plan, and have other users on Pro Plan? as just the Pro plan allows to manage permissions over boards.

At this momment every body has access to all boards and information and Im concerned about security and privacy, for example an account of a partner could be hacked and the hacker could have access to all this information (I know about 2FA), but even with it, I think is important to restrict the boards just to relevant people.

Thanks in advance.

I think you’ll need to move all your people to Pro and then use ‘private boards’ to restrict who gets access to what.