Group level edit/view permissions

I have a board that tracks feature requests for our product. I have groups for new items, reviewed items, approved items, etc. I would really like to be able to pick which groups individual users can edit. That way a variety of users can submit suggestions to the new section, but they can’t modify the other groups. I realize I can achieve this via webforms or using multiple boards, but I want everyone to be able to see all the entries.

Can we have the ability to give permissions to subscribers at the group level?
E.g. when a task is moved to the next group, only specific people can edit it or even view it.



This feature will be great. Same permissions as columns (view / edit) but at Group level.

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I created a new board to manage the company assets, to be able to manage them in best way. I created the assets per type:
Vehicles, inventories, lands, stocks … etc as group on board.
While each management have different assets group, I want to assign each management to one group, so they can view only their own assets, and enter new assets and manage it. However, there is no way to assign people to a group. I find adding this feature is helpful .

Enable visibility permissions via group levels on the boards. In the event that the board is made shareable, prevent the “guest” from seeing all groups. Make it where the guest can only see groups that they are assigned to.

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Can we have the ability to give permissions to subscribers at the group level?
E.g. when a task is moved to the next group, only specific people can edit it or even view it.

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Thank you for your feature request! We hear you all and recognize there has been demand for this feature for some time. To increase the potential for development, let’s get these votes up! As such we will be merging this topic into this existing feature request Group level edit/view permissions so that the votes can be combined! All votes and comments will be transferred during the merge. If you did not cast a vote on this topic, please add your vote to the active thread above. Your opinion matters to us :pray:

I would like to have the option to hide a Group of Items from users or to explicitly allow selected users to view the group.
Use case:
The board that manages projects. Team members should be able to see only the scheduled projects under the “Active projects” group of items. there is another group of items of projects that were booked but not scheduled yet. that group of the backlog should be visible only to management personal for headcount planning/revenue forecasting.

Having another board for backlog does not allow using summary to have total numbers of active + future engagements.

Hi @DavGin, David

As far as I understand the technical implementation of this would be a major change to the architecture. However, there might be alternatives.

You can use different boards and use dashboard views to to display total numbers of both boards. As an alternative to dashboards you can implement your use case with a master board an detailed boards and use a reporting app to report from the detailed boards (active + future) engagements in two items in the main board. More details of this reporting app can be found here: Monday app with automations released - #3 by basdebruin


Hi @DavGin,

Aviram here, a product manager at, thanks for the feedback!

We are currently working to enable item level viewing permissions, meaning limiting viewing of items to ones the user is assigned to in any people column. This will be available in the coming months to Enterprise tier paying customers.

Hope we’ll have some exciting updates soon!


Thank you @basdebruin.
I used your advice and moved the items to a different board and I am merging them on a dashboard.
Not the most intuitive thing for me, but works.

In what way is this ‘enterprise’ functionality?


That’s what several of us have been arguing. This is functionality needed pretty regularly on larger boards, especially in larger accounts. This should be pro and not locked behind enterprise.
@stuttters @avirampm


Me too, I have another topic requesting that ability should be enable for at least from pro plan. but I can not find that topic then…

Because with that feature help us to reduce creation and management of a big amount of boards, help us simplying the use of boards and process…and reduce the server load of, win win feature…why not? why put it behind the entreprise?

Hi @all,

we are using shared boards to plan and communicate project updates, tasks and deliverables with our clients, so far pretty standard i guess :wink:
but it would be awesome if we could not only have the “public” tasks in this board, but also all internal to dos for example during the on-boarding process, for example contract status, down payment received etc. Therefore we would need the feature to restrict the visibility of whole groups or tasks, since these are not relevant for the clients to view. But for us it would be really convenient to have the entire user journey in one sharable board!

Any plans on adding this feature soon? Thanks a lot!

Hi @Julian,

Aviram here, the Product Manager for the team responsible for permissions. Your feedback is coming at a perfect timing as in the next few weeks we will start rolling out the ‘item viewing permissions’ feature to the platform.

This will allow to set up a board in a way that users will only be able to see items assigned to them and nothing else on a single board. This feature will be available for the Enterprise package.

Thanks for the feedback!


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@avirampm We have a pro account for 50 users and hiding this feature away behind the enterprise level quite frankly is an insult. We can’t afford anything higher as a nonprofit and this effectively prevents us from moving more processes into These kinds of moves are making us less likely to remain long term customers. really is hurting itself here. I keep advocating for the product in our organization, but you’re making it really hard. First workspace visibility permissions, now this. Why even offer large scale pro tiers if the features to make them effective are locked behind enterprise?

Awful move. You’re intentionally crippling the value of any tier but enterprise for larger accounts. This is not how you build a loyal customer base.

Love the product, but whoever makes the decisions on which features are being made available to what tier of customer is ultimately lessening the value of the product with the fracturing of the product tiers.


Im happy / sorry to hear that…

Its a long requested feature for all users (non pro - pro plans).

Hi Aviram,

happy to hear that you keep on improving Monday. Unfortunately I have to agree with sschreiner. We have a Pro plan and don’t really understand why you would put such a rather basic and widely appreciated feature behind the barrier of the enterprise plan. I would highly appreciate to reconsider that decision.

Thanks a lot!


Agree with @Julian on his considerations.

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