Connecting a Shared inbox to

Hi There!

We typically use our ticketing system to track data and receive requests from clients. However we are looking at revamping one of our processes to incorporate The issue we have is that if we need to respond to the client, the email will come from one of our personal emails that is connect to, we beleive this might ‘untrain’ our clinets to only send emails to our helpdesk shared inboxes. Is there any way to connect these shared inboxes to to send the replies, so they do not see our own email addresses?

Thank you for the help in advance!

Hey @ashleyME,

This is actually possible through our Emails and Activities app, if this is of interest to you? The new feature allows shared access to a connected email account and enables you to customise share settings for each team member.

Is this along the lines of what you’re looking for?

We ended up setting up a BOT email address. But you CAN set up a shared email address if your company does not require SSO/OKTA like ours did. It will require that email address to be a licensed member and the automations need to be set up while you are logged in under that email.

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@BiancaT We desperately need the Emails and Activities but I hear it is for Sales CRM only. We have work OS.

At this stage this feature is exclusive to our Sales CRM product - I apologise for the setback here! Incase you’re interested, I will leave the feature/pricing page for the product here, CRM pricing: find the plan that works for you :pray:

Hi Kate,

have the same challenge. What do you mean with a Bot email address?
Would that be a Google User and email and no actual person connected to it?



Hi Wout -

We are using a “fake” employee MS outlook inbox to send emails. Because we have OKTA we had to assign an employee number and SSO and log into with the BOT.
