I have a board that I use every month to track monthly subscription payments. At the end of the month I have an automation that will duplicate the board, and I then go in a modify some parts of the board.
What I am looking to do is to take the amount paid column, which is a numbers column, and copy the data over the the amounto to be invoiced column, which is also a numbers column. I cannot find any way to do this.
I’m not aware of a native monday solution to copy column values from one column to the other. The closet feature to what you are looking for is to duplicate the column.
The good news is, the Toolkit app can enable you to copy from one column to the other. You can even specify what item it should start copying from.
If you need any help with the app, you can always react out at support@kolaai.com
The Column Magic app has a bunch of recipes and action blocks (for use in custom automations) that copy one column to another (including mirrors). For example:
You can easily achieved this with VLookup app.
It allows you to connect column content from one column to another on the same board or a different board.
In case you need any assistance with VLOOKUP, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team at appsupport@jetpackapps.co. Our team is always happy to help you with any queries or concerns you may have.
Hi Jim, I use the app to get a value from a mirror column and copy this to an other number column but there appears a 1 and not the value of the mirror column.
Hi there! To get that functionality, you can use Column to Column app. It introduces new automation recipes designed to conditionally copy and move values between columns.