COUNTIF Functions in Work Management

Hey Everyone!

I am not sure if anyone else is running into this problem, but it never hurts to share it! Basically, it is clear that does not have a “Manage Duplicates” option for the Work Management product, slowing a lot of processes down at our company. That said, we are not comfortable with downloading a third-party app (paid or free), so we have been trying to utilize the formula column to create a faster way of finding duplicates without having to continuously download it to Excel.

Nonetheless, we are trying to create a formula on a single board where if a cell in the “Phone” column is the same as another cell in the “Phone” column, it would put a 1 in the formula box or a 0 if that is untrue. However, that is normally a COUNTIF function on Excel. Considering this has been an issue since the summer of last year, I believe that this needs to be added to combat the duplication issue.

If anyone has some automation manipulation tips that may help, please send them my way!