Creating contacts automatically from received GMail emails

I’m wondering if I could ask for some clarification on the automatic creation of contacts , within Monday, from an incomoing GMail email. I’m seeing different threads about this, all with differing suggestions.

Is it possible that when an email is received within GMail, that contains a contact in the FROM field that is NOT a current contact in Monday, that a new contact gets created in Monday. The new contact would take the name of the person sending the email as well as the address the email was sent from.

The only solution I have seen is a 3rd party GMail add-on, but that’s coming in at just under $20 per user per month. That’s more than the whole CRM so we will never be paying that.

Any help, with specific steps, would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks

I don’t think that’s possible without 3rd party apps

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Hi @PAulFx0x - this functionality is available in the monday CRM product.

Create contacts automatically – Support (

Hope this helps!

Hi @PAulFx0x , If you do not have the Monday CRM , All you can do to get the third party Tool and you can get get the more customized results
If you are comfortable with some development work or have access to developers, you can set up a more customized integration by using a Gmail parser (like Email Parser or Parseur) and’s API.