Cross-Board Limitation link Connections

We have been utilizing the platform as our central database, connecting information from various boards to provide valuable insights and make informed decisions. However, due to the current limitations in cross-board connections, we are facing challenges in creating panels that represent a complete view of our projects and processes.

The ability to link information from different boards is essential to our operation, as it allows us to create a holistic representation of our activities. Unfortunately, the current restrictions make it difficult to establish seamless workflows and efficiently visualize information on a single dashboard.

I would like to suggest that the team consider enhancing the cross-board connection functionalities abouve 10k, enabling a more flexible and comprehensive integration. This would allow us to create customized panels that better reflect our processes and help us make more informed decisions.

We appreciate’s ongoing commitment to providing an effective and collaborative project management environment. We hope that our suggestion will be taken into consideration, and we look forward to possible improvements in cross-board connections.

Hello @ilg-comex ,

Welcome to the community ! :muscle:

Indeed the connection limitations are a well known problem, especially for bigger businesses.

From what I am aware, monday is currently rolling out mondayDB, which among many other very useful improvements, I assume will also eventually include an increase in the number of connections.

I think if you ask the monday team, they should be able to five a concrete answer.

More about mondayDB here.

Giannis, Implementation Consultant at

Hello Giannis, thank you for your replay.

Monday granted us access to Monday DB the beta version, but now it’s no longer active. It will probably return to the access soon, and I hope this limitation increases.

Hi @ilg-comex, if you are allowed to use monday apps on your Account, take a look at Master Data. It allows you to consolidate data from Source Boards to a Master Board without worrying about Connected Item and Board limits. It has a 14 day free trial, which I am happy to extend if you need more time to assess it :).

More on it here: Master Data