Customize My Week columns

Hello to all.
I wanted to ask if it is possible to customize the columns displayed in the “My Week” Report.

In addition to the name of the Item, its Situation and Expiration would need to display the “Priority” field created in the various Boards I use.



Hey @AleRun

Cool suggestion - right now it’s not possible but if you click on an item in My Week, you’ll see the information from every column in your board in a pop out card.

Will that achieve what you’re looking for?

We really need this too, is meant to be visual system and my week really takes that away. We should be able to see our tasks - due date, status, priority and any other matching columns.

I tried doing it with a table in dashboard and filtering it to tasks for this person due today and over due I danced with joy when this worked and showed what I want… but hit a dead end AGAIN when I found out it was a 10 board limit sigh

This is the only feature that isn’t custom… we have 30+ Boards and want to see at a glance what I have due today… with all the priorities… and other column details!

Yes, that’s a sore point with me and :roll_eyes:

They add great features which are constantly rendered useless by these frustrating board limits.

We need all features across all boards, account-wide.