Dashboard Table Widget - Separate Display Setup from Board

When adding a Table widget to a Dashboard, it currently is simply a view of that table from the source board, and any changes you make to show/hide columns or information on the Dashboard view makes those same changes to the board as well.

I’d like to have the ability to separately customize what information from a table displays on a Dashboard since many columns on the Board view are TMI for a Dashboard summary view, without making any changes to the source board.


Hey @MikeTheRed - This sounds like a very good addition to the dashboards :ok_hand:

Such addition to the Table widget is not yet on our roadmap, but I’d be happy to pass this to our product team to discuss for future sprints :upside_down_face:

Could elaborate and share your use-case so I can better deliver your input?


Sure thing!

On Board A I have every task listed out with information like Summary, Owner, Task Type, Estimate, Due Date, Timeline, Status, etc.

On a Project Dashboard I’d to see a quick summary of tasks that have gone past date, so I can quickly see what the problem spots are. That table would just list: Summary, Status, Due Date, filtered to only show tasks past their date. Any additional information isn’t really relevant from a top-level standpoint

Hey @MikeTheRed - For this workflow specifically, we suggest using the High-level Board And of course you can add The mirror column to link with data from the original board.

The main purpose of the table widget is to give the possibility of viewing different groups from different boards all-together. Do you think the high-level board would work?

This seems like it would be fairly easily solved if you allowed us to choose which Table View we wanted to show on the dashboard from the shareable board. We can already create alternative Table Views in the shareable board and they can be pre-filtered and set up perfectly for our clients to view and can already allow us to exclude columns that make the view very busy. All we need is the ability to choose which of our Table Views we would like a Table View Widget in the dashboard to render.

The use case I have for this doesn’t seem to be solvable with a Higher Level board. We have a need to share project progress with clients to show the status of their work, as well as letting them approve changes they are asked to validate. This works brilliantly with the new shareable dashboard feature recently added. The problem is, those same shareable boards have other client data in them and we can’t seem to limit Guests to a specific view. Being able to limit Guests to a specific view would solve both these issues.


I would love to see further filter options on the table widget - ie, able to display by status instead of just by group .
We use boards for projects and business as usual work. Viewing our business as usual boards via the table widget on a dashboard is fine, because we can name our groups based on priority and get a overview of what’s next on the list of to-do’s. But in the case of a project, our groups have to follow the project workflows - so it makes it hard to get an overview of what’s next on a dashboard. This would be solved by being able to filter the table widget by status! :slight_smile:

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+1 for the option to select in the Dashboard what table view we would like to display.

another option would be to allow us to collapse a column in one view, and not have if affect other views. Then we can collapse the columns we want to exclude from the Dashboard.
but allowing to select a view would be cleaner :slight_smile:


+1. Definitely a bummer that this isn’t currently available.


The whole point of the dashboard is to have the information summarized on the board. I dont want to have to switch to another high level board to see the information there.
This is a very important feature for the dashboard.

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+1 I would love this capability as well. Even just to be able to list all the current projects and clients with just a status rather than showing all the activity around them that is included in the regular boards.

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+1 I would also like this feature. I have project boards that are very detailed, so for each item I’d only want to see the item name, status, timeline, and two numbers columns that I have.

Any update on this issue yet?
Has anyone considered an alternate solution? It could also work well if you could make a custom view on a Board then when you want to view and filter that board from a dashboard you could just select with board view to use
Because for me the biggest issue is not being able to hide certain columns. I want the dashboard to be able to simplify the information and not overwhelm you

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