Do any fellow users have single sign on (SSO) enabled?

We’re an SSO-enabled org, using it to better security and remove friction for staff. We enabled SSO for several months ago. Enabling SSO however means that each time a link to monday is shared with someone who does not have a license, a license is auto-issued the second they click on said link. Makes it difficult to have SSO as well as manage licenses. Has anyone discovered a workaround, so we can have the best of both worlds? Thanks in advnace!

We contacted Monday support who managed to resolve this for us, suggest you raise a ticket.

Thanks for the quick response Stuart! We brought our IT into a meeting with our account manager, and then as I understood it, IT had some more discussions with technical team members at monday…no resolution found (which is why I thought I’d raise it here). Would be interested in how you managed to resolve it if you can share?

I am having the same issue and have been told by Monday support that it is working as intended.

It is on my daily task list to check for new users that simply received a Monday link, logged in, and signed up with a full license.

If we could even just set the default to be view-only vs member that would be hugely beneficial.

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Thank you @ScottyG! Agree! Does that mean you’re potentially removing licenses daily?

Correct. I will have to go in and knock someone down from member to view-only pretty regularly. View-only is free and unlimited, so not a big deal, but obviously some people get a bit perturbed when you take away their new toy.

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