We want to be able to use emails and activities across our entire organization. In our business we can have a contact that is attached to multiple accounts. When we use email integration it brings in all past emails and emails on accounts that are not even associated with the correct account. For example ABC company email is logged into XYZ company because they have a common contact linked to both companies.
The other issue I have is that there are sensitive internal emails that are sent out, it can be anything from discussing benefits, compensation, or HR issues. These all end up synced into emails and actives. The problem is that I need to have my emails synced but I cant have all my emails logged. I need to log my emails but not everything. I need to choose what gets logged.
A solution I am requesting is that when we set up the email integration. It only starts logging in emails from the day I start. The next step is on the email and activity settings, allow us to option only emails sent out of Monday CRM gets logged into emails and activity. That way correct emails will get logged into correct account and sensitive emails will not get logged because we would not be sending from Monday, but out email software.
Thanks so much.