Export PDF or Print Updates tab view to PDF

I need to export to PDF or Print (to PDF.) One update or all the updates on an item. Ideally, images would print inline, too, and not break across pages. I think more than find if embedded and attached files display the name with hyperlink to url of the doc if you can go the PDF export route. Even just printing the text with rich text formatting would be better than the nothing we can print now. Data is basically lost in monday and cannot get it out for use as longitudinal documentation in the Updates section. Exporting the entire spreadsheet to excel does not meet this need in any fashion, ruins formatting, excludes images and other inline references to files, etc.

This appears raised previously and closed unresolved:

Please provide a solution.

I have this exact same question! Has anyone else come up with a solution?

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Hey! I just wanted provide an update on our printing feature. We are in the process of removing the print button and creating a better printing/exporting system for our users. Currently, the export to PDF’ offers same functionality as print, but with better results including:

  • Formatting to ensure full widget length/width
  • Supporting more widgets (e.g. gantt)
  • Removing unneeded information

We value and take into consideration community feedback in our development decisions and encourage you to continue to vote and submit features.

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Hi @Julietteb

are there any updates on this? At the moment, I neither see a button to print boards or even export to PDF.

Thanks and regards,



@Julietteb Hi! I can’t see a print option and I don’t see the pdf export you’re mentioning either

Can you help?

Hi! Sorry for the delay!

To clarify, To clarify, we have removed to the print option. We suggestion printing by exporting dashboard to a pfd and board to excel.

Let me know if this helps?

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This does not help, as I want some of my employees to just see the board as-is. When I export it, there is much reformatting/resizing I need to do in Excel to get it back to a concise view. I would prefer to just print the image of the board.


It is so frustrating that we can not print. We are now seriously considering to make the move to another planningtool even though we have spent considerable time setting up MONDAY. We tried add-ons but they have issues also (like not printing formula fields). Export to excel is also not working in case of SUM fields. Please try to upgrade as soon as possible

Hi Juliette,

Any ideas on when the pdf export feature will be updated so it includes the full width and height. I am experiencing issues trying to export a Gannt chart to the client. Currently it cuts off what ever does not fit on the screen.

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Best option I’ve found is to bypass Monday.com for printing and just use the browser print function. Pagination not perfect, but gets whole plan into a shareable format outside of the platform.

This is a major issues for me as well. I am working with many external partners and not everyone has the time and appetite to learn a new app. The export to pdf of the whole project timeline and Gantt Chart is vital to efficient communication of large project with multiple external parties. I have been advised the the issue with my project is that the length is more than 3 years, but still I am mot entirely sure how this affect the whole functionality of exporting a Gantt chart to pdf.

Extremely frustrating that this isn’t in place. We need to keep status snapshots by week. Only way to do it is to take screenshots.

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Hi @Julietteb

Multiple users have let you know, that you advice does not help.
Can you please provide an update that is useful? Something so basic, should be available.

I dont find screenshots to be an industry standard, feels like my workflow is regressing with Monday.com

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Hi community,

Exporting to PDF was a specific requirement from one of our clients - McDonalds!

If you’d like to see how we did it, I’ll be running a 30min webinar on the 21st of Nov @12.15pm (GMT), to showcase the McDonalds solution.

Feel free to join by registering here !

I’ll speak through the maccas problem statement, demo the solution, talk through our process and the outcome. :boom:

Hi @skJAM and all others on this thread, I am Nishanth T from Appfire, the product manager for PDF Exporter for monday.com, my team and I would love to understand your concerns in detail and see what can be done through our app. Here is the link to book sometime on my calendar: link. Thank you.

One year and three months and there is NO ability to print reports - to PDF or printer? How is this considered acceptable?

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Hi @mmerchat

You can use the app DocExport PDF Generator to create a PDF in your own design including information from item columns and updates.

Link to our helpcenter: Item Updates in PDFs

How does it work?
You create a docx template and insert specific placeholders on the relevant places. For example the item name would be {{Item.Name}}, the Status column ‘Project Phase’ would be {{Item.Project Phase}} and so on.

Item updates can be created in a table or like this:
Update from {{Date}} by {{User}}

The app also supports embedded images and rich text.

@Henk-jan FYI: SUM fields are fully supported as well, even with progress image.
See: Placeholder Directory

Here’s a quick video to showcase some of the features in general:

If you have any questions, please reach out to us: Contact

cc @megarci @LinusSchulte @ReturnOfTheMac @ElleM @jvandore_glwd @skJAM @LeslieP

Can you please confirm that this is near development? This orocess appears to be taking almost a year and half.


My clients and I would also appreciate reinstating the “Export to PDF” option for boards. Screen shots without the time stamp are not nearly as professional as the platform deserves.


Any updates here? I really need to export to pdf