External client rating

Hi, i’ve built a board for support ticketing. Everything is working as expected.

Now I would like to add a “quality” review : each time a ticket is closed (Status changed to “Closed”, i would like the enduser specified to receive some kind of form to rate the support agent. I want something simple, like the rating tab, only 5 stars, no comment.

I’ve searched for a correct workflow but as the enduser is not a Monday user i’m quite limited, i’ve though maybe of an email with a link to a form, but i don’t know how to set this up, specially how to generate a unique form for each support request.

Do you have any suggestions, workflow, app… anything that my help ?


Hi @fdelmas - If you created a separate board with the question(s) in regards to the closed support ticket, you could send a link out with an automated email to the customer.

As long as there as a unique identifying piece of data the customer fills in (email address for instance) you could then use a Match Automation to connect the response back to the original ticket and mirror the rating.

The customer does not need to be a member of monday to fill in the form.

Hope this helps, and feel free to reach out any time!