Formula Column, Timeline Column, Date Column (Monday<->Make)

I am struggling with making a scenario in Make that will accomplish the following:
1. look at the “start date” of a timeline column
2. subtract 3 business days from the “start date” of the timeline
3. calculate a date
4. the calculated date will then populate in a date column in Monday

We currently are using a formula field, but Make cannot pull the calculation from that field. This is the formula within Monday:

FORMAT_DATE(IF(WEEKDAY({Enrollment Dates#Start}) <= MOD({#},5), DATE(YEAR({Enrollment Dates#Start})-1, MONTH({Enrollment Dates#Start}), DAY({Enrollment Dates#Start}) + 365 - {#} - (2*(ROUNDDOWN(({#}) / 5, 0)+1))), IF(WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR({Enrollment Dates#Start})-1, MONTH({Enrollment Dates#Start}), DAY({Enrollment Dates#Start}) + 365 - {#} - (2ROUNDDOWN(({#}) / 5, 0)))) = 1, DATE(YEAR({Enrollment Dates#Start})-1, MONTH({Enrollment Dates#Start}), DAY({Enrollment Dates#Start}) -2 + 365 - {#}- (2ROUNDDOWN(({#}) / 5, 0))), IF(WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR({Enrollment Dates#Start})-1, MONTH({Enrollment Dates#Start}), DAY({Enrollment Dates#Start}) + 365 - {#}- (2ROUNDDOWN(({#}) / 5, 0)))) = 7, DATE(YEAR({Enrollment Dates#Start})-1, MONTH({Enrollment Dates#Start}), DAY({Enrollment Dates#Start}) - 1 + 365 - {#} - (2ROUNDDOWN(({#}) / 5, 0))), DATE(YEAR({Enrollment Dates#Start})-1, MONTH({Enrollment Dates#Start}), DAY({Enrollment Dates#Start}) + 365 - {#}- (2*ROUNDDOWN(({#}) / 5, 0)))))))

Here is the start of my attempt on accomplishing this, but I’m unsure if I’m on the right track.

Also, I am a novice with JSON and have not really used it until now. If you have a potential solution, please explain in a little more detail than usual so I can follow along and learn how to properly use JSON. :slightly_smiling_face:


The Formula column is not supported via the API, You will have to recreate the formula in

You don’t need to work with the JSON on this make gives you the From date of the timeline

You then will need to use the set day formula in

This should get you of to a start on how to calcluate the rest.

Let me know if you need more help with this.