Formula format $ and show summary on parent

I have a basic formula to calculate cost of hotel and have summary in parent for total cost of rooms for particular event.
DAYS({Arrival/Departure#End},{Arrival/Departure#Start})*{Room Rate}

My problem is formatting the formula to include $ - yes I can do this with TEXT(DAYS({Arrival/Departure#End},{Arrival/Departure#Start})*{Room Rate}, “$#,##0.00”) BUT then the parent cannot read text as # to summarize. Appreciate any insights the community can provide. formula format #$ #summaryonparent

You don’t need to include the $ in the formula. You can simply go to the summary of the column and setup the formula column to display as $

@shayan.moussawi: not for sub-items.

Looking for a simpler way to write complex formulas? Check out the Advanced Formula Booster at It’s a convenient third-party app that simplifies formula writing. With it, you can spread your formulas across several lines, utilize variables, and access dozens of functions not found in the standard formula column.

Hi @KCordaro,

It can be done using the Advanced Formula Booster, a 3rd-party app.

Here is the demo:


For this you don’t need any Formula column nor a Summary column.
The cost column at the sub-item level is a Text column (because you want the $ sign).
The Cost Summary column at the item level is a Numbers column (and the $ sign comes from its summary).

Only one formula does the trick:


You need 2 automations:

Hope it helps. Any question, please let me know.

Thanks so much @GCavin This is exactly what I need. Unfortunately our organization isn’t ready to invest in to many add-ons at this time. Are there any free ones out there that you are aware of?