Formula in Automation

Hi there,

I hope you are well.

Could you please assist with the following.

IF(OR({End Date} = “”, {End Date} <= TODAY()), FALSE, TRUE)

How can I use the above formula in an automation on If a status changes to something and only if the formula column is true that status changes, if false the status stays the same.

Hello @UpMarketing welcome to the community: I hope you’re doing well!

Unfortunately, I dont think does not allow formula columns to be directly used in automation conditions. However, you can work around this by creating a “Mirror” or “Trigger” column that reflects the formula’s outcome in a way that automation can recognize. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Create a New “Helper” Status Column
  • Set up an additional “Status” or “Checkbox” column that will reflect the TRUE/FALSE result of your formula.
  • Use an automation like:
    • “When End Date arrives, set Status to [TRUE/FALSE]” (depending on your condition).
  1. Use This Helper Column in Your Automation
  • Now, create an automation:
    • “When Status changes to [X], and if [Helper Column] is [TRUE], then change Status to [New Status].”
  • This ensures the status only updates when your formula’s logic holds true.

Let me know if you need further clarification :blush: