Generate document name based on board or item name

We’ve created a series of templates that are repeated for every new project we start. We have a main board that is used to create (name) the new projects and use a 3rd party app to copy all the boards and docs from our master template into the new project template. We want to automate the naming of the new docs based on the item name we create.

for example if we create a new “Project 123” in our main project board, the 3rd party app looks at our master template and duplicated the project board template and document template into a new folder that is named “Project 123” The new project board is named appropriately as “Project 123” but the document template does not get updated with the new project name, but instead keeps the template name…

Is there a way to automate the naming of the document based on a board name or an item in a board?
