Group by Dropdown column

We would love to have an option to have more group by option most especially for dropdown columns!

This is so important. Even if it means limiting the dropdown to one option to begin with.
I have projects by sprint and want to group them according to the label we add to each sprint.
We had to change our dropdown to a status but we are running out of options to add to the statuses.

And we don’t want to change to text because requests come in through a form and we don’t want to have people putting in whatever text they want.

If it can be done for text, why can’t it be done for dropdown?

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I am part of the Decadis team and I would like to recommend you our application, sumUp for monday

In particular, the section of the Group by widget. This widget can group key metrics and even calculate sums in an extra row at the bottom.

If you need assistance on how to use the application, please, feel free to create a request in our support portal , we will be happy to help you.

Best regards,