Help us not to forget

Is there a way to create an automation so that if an item isn’t updated during a certain amount of time, we get a notification reminding us that the task/the item isn’t finished and needs work ?

Hi @Ysaline :wave: ,

Welcome to the monday community!

If you are talking about manual item updates, unfortunately it is not currently possible to get notified if a certain time period has passed from the update being posted.

What you could do is use a status (for example with statuses working on it and done) that indicates whether the task has been finished in combination with a deadline column.

The automation would be :

You could use this as a baseline for what you want to achieve.

Hope this helps!

Giannis, Implementation Consultant at

This is an initial step, but incomplete. I would like the automation to trigger every week if the status is not Done. Or be able to toggle the frequency.

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