Help, we've been hacked!

Hi, one of our outlook e mail accounts has been hacked, and it has sent hundreds of ‘posts’ to our monday boards, with links to sites, is there a way to batch remove all of this content to stop any team member clicking on it and infecting them again?

Hi @nigel :wave:

Sorry to hear that mate! It may depend upon if the hundreds of posts are mixed in with other information on your boards or if it has all come through in a block like a list of items etc.
If you haven’t got it sorted yet, feel free to reply with more information (maybe a screen shot) or drop me an email via
You may be able to remove it all quickly, or it may take a little more combing through depending on how all the unwanted information has populated if that makes sense.

Kind regards,
Peta - upstream

Hi @nigel :wave:

Sorry to hear this, and apologies for the delay here!

If you’re still facing issues, could you please reach out to the support team at
They’ll be able to help take a look at your account set up and see how to best proceed to get this resolved for you :pray:



Hi @nigel

Just wanted to reach out and see if you needed any further assistance here?
If so, please just let us know in this thread!



Hi @nigel

I hope the answers in this thread are useful!
As we haven’t had any updates here, I’m going to go ahead and mark this thread as solved.
This means that the thread will close in 7 days time :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have any additional questions or you feel your original query wasn’t resolved, please feel free to let us know and we’ll be happy to continue to assist!

