HIDE automation notifications in INBOX

Hi Monday,

We use some status column options as triggers for an automation which sends an email to 4 different people once triggered. Due to the lack of CC’ing emails, I had to make 4 seperate integrations with outlook to send the same message to 4 different recipients. The email integrations and function works fine but the problem starts when we get spammed with automatic updates -both in the update section of the item and but also in the inbox (that’s where it’s worst)

On average everyone in the organization is spammed with a minimum of 20 notifications each week with the same message.

If you only had the option to simply stop automations from adding to the update section or hide those updates from the inbox - that would be wonderful!

Anyone else having the same issue?


I would really like to see a way to do this! We are lost in automation notifications and inbox.


HI Please upvote this request then for better visibility and get as many you can do to the same. Its the only way they’ll do something about this.

Hello there, this is also somethine I’d love a solution for! Thank you!

Brilliant suggestion - I would love this feature for the team!

Agreed, this would save so much spam!

Any update on this Monday? The inbox/update spam is out of hand and unnecessary.


Agreed! why is a notification/update on an item needed if an email was sent? its like texting someone to let them know you sent them an email… (facepalm)

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Hey I just found a little work around that might work for you, at least for the inbox notifications. You can now mute any notifications coming from boards in the board settings. That should at least stop some of the spam :slight_smile:

Would love this! I setup the automations for my entire company and now am overwhelmed with automation notifications for all the boards! Almost missing notifications for actually important things. :grimacing:

Is there still no ability to do this?
This is killing me!