How do I duplicate sub-tasks

I have not been able to find a way to duplicate sub-tasks of a board.

When I duplicate a group with or without updates, the tasks all follow but sub-tasks do not.

My goal is to duplicate all the lines in a group including sub-tasks.



If I may add to this? I have been able to duplicate items & subitems fine since that part of subitems was released a few weeks ago, but for some reason, it is not working for me at all today. Monday, is something wrong with this feature today?


Thanks @ashleylyn07. I have no tried this before today

Ditto. When a group is duplicated, I need the subitems to duplicate with it… is this just a bug?


Hey @Jng, @ashleylyn07, and @cspowers! Now you should be able to duplicate items and groups, including their subitems :+1:

We had this functionality then took it away temporarily due to a bug, but our developers deployed a fix it is now here to stay! Let me know what you think :blush:


It seems to work now. Thanks!

Yes, mine is working again perfectly, thank you!!

how do you do this? when i duplicate an item with updates it doesn’t bring the sub-items with it. What steps do I need to make that work? I have a template item that I need to copy and duplicate for each task.

Hey @jp12687ent, thanks for posting about this!

If you duplicate the item like this the subtasks should carry over—you can choose either “items” or “items and updates”:

If you’re still experiencing issues duplicating the subitems, I would recommend writing in to!