How do you manage daily huddles / standups for remote teams?

Hi all,

We run a ‘scaling up’ framework within our team of 15 in a hybrid work environment. Essentially, we have priorities (goals) and then KPI’s to meet these priorities.

Everyday each department runs a huddle / standup where we want our team to do several things.

  1. Update their KPI’s
  2. Note their wins from the day before
  3. Note their tasks for the day
  4. Carry over incomplete tasks

Within Monday, how do you see the best way of achieving this?

How are others running their daily standup’s, ensuring the team remains totally focussed on KPI’s and priorities?

I’m new to Monday, but not new to the ‘database’ type structure of Monday (spent a lot of time in airtable, coda, notion and also with MYSQL)… it’s amazing so far, the UI / UX is next level!

Hey Danny! Happy to suggest some ideas for this! Are you having the team update those KPIs/tasks during the standup meeting or outside of it?

One way of organizing the teams’ KPIs/tasks/wins for the day or week in a monday board would be to make a group of items per person and name the group the person’s name. Then you can create an item called “KPIs”, an item called “daily tasks” etc and use subitems and/or the Updates Section to further parse out these KPIs/tasks.

Alternatively, you could have a group for KPIs, a group for tasks, a group for wins, and have an item in each group per person. Then, they keep track of their wins in the Updates Section and any notes on the incomplete items, and they can keep subitems for all of the tasks they have going on.

I’d also suggest using the Dashboards to visualize this data. If you are just using one board, you can add a Dashboard View to the board.

Is this the kind of advice you are looking for? :blush: If not, let me know and I’d be happy to find some other ideas for you!

Thanks Charlotte, very similar process I’ve used actually ➝ I have a automation that fires daily to duplicate it for the staff.