How to create a database in

How to create a contact database in

Learn how I manage my vastly growing contact/client list across boards. You can easily create a contact list in and manage all the crucial information pertaining to your clients in one location.

After creating your contact/client board connect your client list to pulses on other boards for quick reference using the link to pulse column. This allows you to see who your POC is, update client information or reach out all from the board you are working on. First you want to add a link to pulse column to the board. Then select the board you will like to connect to.

After add your clients and you are all set.

If your company uses in different way I would love to know! Just add a pic and explanation on this thread :slight_smile:


Hey after reading your article, I realized I could create a Company Database and connect it to my contact database! Super cool! Thanks Justin!


Hello there,

That is exactly what I want to do, however I am nebbie, sorry for my dummie question, but how do you connect your client list to the pulse column?

Hey @kubechi, no such thing as dummie questions! :blush:

Have you already taken a look at this article and tried adding a link to item column to the board? This would be where the connection to the client list board lives:

Let me know if this helps clarify! Happy to discuss further :+1:

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Might be a more advanced option - You can create a contact list database in using the VLOOKUP marketplace app - An advanced alternative to connect boards for auto-linking multiple boards and matching board items while maintaining reporting and automations capabilities.

Here is how it works

  1. Create your client list on a database board
  2. Install VLOOKUP integrations
  3. Maps you client list to multiple boards

Any time you create a new item on a linked boards - vlookup will match its value (customer name, email etc) to the values in the database. Every time a value in the database will updates, all linked items will be updated automatically.

Let me know if you have any question


Where can I get a link to this article? I would like to create a driver database list however I cant see any article links here?

Many Thanks