How to create (many) recurring tasks (Items)

Not sure why this is such a difficult thing. I love Monday to death but this is a constant thorn in my side.

I create large year plans/templates and these may include daily tasks (items). I need to create them all at once, en-masse.

Monday’s reliance on an automation to create these on a triggered date, as you go, is weird and not what I want. I want them created all at once.

I looked at some third party app (currently ‘Recurring Tasks’) and it seemed great, but for some reason, it only let’s you create 40 items at a time. So I’m still unable to get there.

Basically the functionality I’m looking for is similar to setting up recurring schedules in Outlook. Start date, end date, frequency — without bumping up against some weird limitation.

Is this possible at all?



Hi @meddle01

I understand your frustration, but unfortunately, this isn’t a feature that offers directly. However, you can use third-party integrations like to handle this efficiently. The good news is that if you’re only using it sparingly, you might not even need to pay for it!

Let’s say you have a board, like 2025 Plans, with groups for each month. Here’s one way you could create all your tasks at once:

  1. Design Your Task Schedule in a Spreadsheet:

    • Create a file in Excel or Google Sheets where you list all your tasks. Include details like:
      • Task Name
      • Start Date
      • End Date
      • Frequency
      • Any other fields you need on your board.
  2. Set Up for Automation:

    • In, create a scenario that:
      • Fetches rows from your spreadsheet (you can connect directly to Google Sheets or upload an Excel file).
      • Loops through each row and creates a corresponding item in your Monday board.
    • You can fully customize it to match the structure of your board, and it doesn’t have the same limitations you’ve run into with other tools.
  3. Recurring Schedules:

    • If your tasks have recurring dates (e.g., every Monday, every 3rd day), you can pre-calculate these in your spreadsheet and include them in the task details before running the automation.
  4. Alternative: Use Monday’s CSV Import:

    • If you’d rather skip third-party tools, you can also prepare a CSV file with all your tasks and import it directly into While this doesn’t allow for recurrence, it works great for creating tasks all at once.

Let me know if you’d like step-by-step guidance to set this up—I’d be happy to help!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us via email at or Contact Creative Bits.


Have you tried using Monday’s API? You could potentially create a script to bulk create these items without the limitations of the UI or third-party apps.
I can help you further to explain the whole process if you want!

Business Workflow Consultant
Ready Logic

Hey @meddle01!

Would you be eager to give the Advanced Templates app a try?

Here’s the link: Advanced Templates on

This app allows you to create recurring tasks, and unlike the apps you mentioned, it doesn’t have the 40-item limitation. You can set up large schedules all at once, with full control over start date, end date, and frequency.

Full disclosure – I’m the author of the app, so if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I’d love to help!

Hope this helps solve the issue you’re running into.

Best regards!

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Hi! Not sure if it helps, but this worked out form me for a while:

Have you considered creating a group of items, and then duplicating that group through automation?

I have reoccurring tasks set up in my Monday environment.
I have a status column for completed/incomplete and then a status column called “Reoccurring?” and then automations that say if its set as reoccurring,change the status from completed to incomplete and then push back by whatever the reoccurring freq is.
Here is an image if the Reoccurring Status’

Here is an image of what the automation looks like for a weekly reoccurring task.

@meddle01 im not sure if this solution is 100% what your looking for but if you set up an automation using “When an item is created, create an item” it will basically act as an infinite loop for creating items.

If you have certain formats to create I would recommend creating different boards and use the loop to create the different formats you need and then just select and move them about.

Hope this helps

Hello @meddle01,
I understand how frustrating that can be! While Monday’s current reliance on automation may not align with your needs, here are a few things you could try: NY DMV login

  1. Third-Party Tools & Scripts: Look into other third-party apps or custom scripts that could help create large numbers of tasks at once without limitations.
  2. Manual Import: Create your tasks in a CSV file and import them into This can sometimes bypass the 40-item limit.
  3. API Integration: Use Monday’s API to programmatically create tasks. This allows for more flexibility and batch processing.

Hopefully, one of these solutions might work for you! Any other specific features you’d like to explore?

Best regards,
James Goff

I went simple on a personal To Do list where I have a mix of things that recur daily, weekly, bi-weekly, annually, etc. Not sure if it will work for you but in case it’s helpful:

I set up a status column for recurrence, another status column to indicate Item status (new, in progress, stuck, completed) and a due date column. I then built automations such as “when item status changes to completed, if recurrence status = annual, push due date by 365 days” and move to backlog group. Rinse and repeat the automation for other time frames adjusting the push as appropriate. I wind up with a single entry for each item but it effectively reinitializes itself.

An automation checks the due dates daily. For anything that’s due in the next X days, it resets the item status to indicate it is not complete and moves the item into a Current Week group.

Only challenge I encounter now is daily items - I haven’t found an elegant way to avoid weekends so I have to manually adjust the due date or click ‘complete’ several times on Monday to clear the Saturday and Sunday repetitions.

Best of luck!

This is such basic functionality. It’s really disappointing that it’s not offered natively. If I weren’t forced to use Monday by my company, the lack of this feature alone would be enough to make me abandon it. Clickup handles this type of thing so much better than Monday.

I understand your frustration with’s automation limitations for creating recurring tasks en masse. It seems like you’re looking for a more straightforward way to set up recurring schedules, similar to Outlook. While third-party apps like ‘Recurring Tasks’ can help, they often have their own limitations.

You might want to explore other project management tools that offer more robust bulk automation features or reach out to Monday.comsupport for potential workarounds. Hopefully, you’ll find a solution that fits your needs soon!