How to get notifications on ALL changes on a board?

Hi everyone,

I have tried to dabble with the automations to fulfil this use case - is there a way to set it up whereby ANY changes to a board, whether its adding owners, changing timelines, changing statues - any and all changes get collected into one notification panel? Or is there a way to log in and see ALL changes on a particular board?

Thanks for your help as always :slight_smile:

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Hi There,

If you are the owner of a board, you can get notifications of all the changes to the board and you can find that in the board settings.

If you are looking for a log of all the activity, there is the Activity button on the upper right corner of the board where you can get a panel of all the changes and activity.

This will allow you to filter to what you are looking for as well!

Hope this helps!
Mike B
Automation Architect

Good morning Mike,

Many thanks for your prompt reply! The answer to my conundrum I believe lies with your first suggestion - via the Board Settings. I am familiar with the log of all the activity, its very useful. I am simply looking for a way to active a feature whereby any and all changes to the board sends me a notification.

Where do I find that in the Board Settings please? Thanks again for your help in advance,

Kind regards

Hello @Ultraviolet !

As Mike pointed out, the activity log is indeed very useful.

Other than that, there unfortunately isnโ€™t a โ€œmasterโ€ setting for getting notifications for any and all changes.

You would have to set up the automation for each of these cases ( when person is assigned, when status changes, when column changes etc.).

It is feasible to do, but would take time depending on the size and complexity of your board.

Hope this helps!

Giannis, Implementation Consultant at

Dear @GiannisKoukounas,

Many thanks for your response. I had a feeling that was the only way to do it but I was looking for a lazy workaround haha. No worries and appreciate you getting back to me.

Wish you a great day ahead :slight_smile:

Hi @Ultraviolet,

In fact there is a way to receive all changes, automations and updates ot a board very easily!

If you go to: Three Dot Menu of Board > Board Notification > See menu below:

Select the Third Option (Receive all notifications) and make sure the mute option is off. If you are the Owner of the board , you should see all changes and updates this way!

Hope this helps!

Mike B
Automation Architect

This does not work for ALL changes. It only works if someone creates an Update. Meaning that they click the โ€œ+โ€ and leave a note. I would like to be notified anytime someone changes a character in any space on the board. Is this possible?